Curol + is a patented product originating from the pristine Nordics. A Scandinavian Inventor, friend and a partner who created for India, Asia and the Middle East a product specially to bring the purity and clean air of the Nordics. The invention born from a health necessity and global wellbeing is a boon for the Indian Sub Continent and the Middle East .
The underlying belief that this product will be a boon and shall benefit all the mass of population across economic and political strata’s of the Indian sub continent and the Middle East to start with.
Curol shall be the magical cure for your indoors Curol shall bring a magical solution to the outdoors as well.
Curol + comes from the House of Fusion Group largely into Textile Exports, World class Gaming Entertainment, International Trade and Sustainability benchmarking industries and now sustainability for the environment both Indoors and Outdoors.
A joint venture between Denmark and Indian business houses seeking a solution for the masses, A solution to the Outdoor dust and the Indoor Air Quality and Dust related airborne diseases and Air quality crisis in general.